Mill House

Photography Credit: Philip Vile


Mixed use


This project, designed by MCW Architects for GCR Camprop, is on a site overlooking the Mill Pond in the heart of Cambridge which has been occupied by a building for over 300 years. As the existing building was identified as a ‘building which detracts’ within the local conservation area appraisal, it represented a unique opportunity to re-energise a focal, corner site within this rich urban context with a carefully crafted replacement. 


Our brief was to design a high quality, fully accessible mixed-use scheme, offering 1bed or studio apartments above a ground floor commercial unit. To deliver this successfully on such a sensitive site required a fully considered response achieved through the dedicated engagement of the client, local authority and local interest groups throughout the design process. 


In response to the predominance of traditional pitched roofed and gabled buildings that form the immediate context, we developed an innovative approach to the brief with the primary concept of a close cluster of pitched roofed and gabled elements arranged to address the adjacent mill and this important point as Newnham Road turns gently into the Backs. The design was devised with a focus on the contemporary interpretation of traditional materials in response to a sensitive setting. 


There are three distinct elements to the composition. Two, splayed and gabled forms address the corner of the site. These reflect the composition of the existing building and create a stronger presence, making a sense of place without competing with the adjacent listed buildings. A third, longer and linear volume provides a more positive edge to the adjacent lane. This ad-hoc arrangement of forms reflects the gently shifting geometry of the urban grain around the site and provides an effective way of slightly increasing scale on the apex to accommodate the additional storey within the roof form. 


The project makes a positive contribution to the immediate townscape and public realm with the introduction of an active street frontage which will bring life and colour to a street corner that had lost its community and social identity. The pavement space as it turns the corner is more generous and the projecting upper floors provide welcome shelter. The large, deep set splayed windows above with their splayed reveals afford visitors staying in the short term let apartment some unique views of quintessential Cambridge life.


Status: Built

Location: 31 Newham Road CB3

Size: 560sqm

Completed: 2022



Architect: MCW architects

Client:                GCR Camprop

Structural Engineer:            (to planning) Conisbee (post planning) Cooper Associates

Planning Consultant:       Carter Jonas

Cost Consultant:             Project Eleven

Contractor:      Camprop Construction  

Heritage Consultant:         Donald Insall Associates

Civil Engineer:            CAR

MEP:             Scotch Partners

Acoustic Consultant:         Cass Allen

Approved Inspector:           Shore

Party Wall Surveyor:           Award Associates

Façade Analysis:              Greengauge

Fire Consultant:             GB Compliance


Name of the Firm: MCW architects

Last Updated on: 30/10/2024