Photography Credit: Richard Fraser
Higher Education
Higher Education
The new £30 million building is a transformational project, both educationally and architecturally. The project creates a new place for Peterborough that is integrated in the surrounding city fabric. University House is located adjacent to Bishop’s Road, making close physical and visual links to the city centre and cathedral. As the campus develops, it will provide wider links to the Embankment and the River Nene.
The new £30 million building is a transformational project, both educationally and architecturally. The project creates a new place for Peterborough that is integrated in the surrounding city fabric. University House is located adjacent to Bishop’s Road, making close physical and visual links to the city centre and cathedral. As the campus develops, it will provide wider links to the Embankment and the River Nene.
The project transforms a 400-space at grade car park to a green, welcoming, openly accessible landscaped campus, providing places for people to enjoy and for nature to flourish.
The project transforms a 400-space at grade car park to a green, welcoming, openly accessible landscaped campus, providing places for people to enjoy and for nature to flourish.
The existing range of courses by ARU is reflected in the rich mix of spaces arranged over 3 floors around a central ‘heart’ of informal learning to encourage interaction, collaboration and peer learning. These include spaces for large collaborative lectures, specialist skills, study, library, workspaces and general teaching.
The existing range of courses by ARU is reflected in the rich mix of spaces arranged over 3 floors around a central ‘heart’ of informal learning to encourage interaction, collaboration and peer learning. These include spaces for large collaborative lectures, specialist skills, study, library, workspaces and general teaching.
A multi-purpose space and external terrace offers views back to the city and the cathedral, reinforcing the links to the city centre. Learning and Teaching is made visible through large areas of glazing that will allow views into the learning spaces and out to the landscape. The spaces are designed to allow for easy reconfiguration to respond to future needs.
A multi-purpose space and external terrace offers views back to the city and the cathedral, reinforcing the links to the city centre. Learning and Teaching is made visible through large areas of glazing that will allow views into the learning spaces and out to the landscape. The spaces are designed to allow for easy reconfiguration to respond to future needs.
Sustainability has been integral to the design development. People are prioritised ahead of cars by encouraging arrival on foot, the provision of over 140 sheltered bike spaces and good connections to public transport. Large roof lanterns maximise daylight and natural ventilation, supported by green roofs and photovoltaics providing renewable energy. The project has been designed to connect to the city’s Energy from Waste project in the future to offer low carbon energy for the campus.
Sustainability has been integral to the design development. People are prioritised ahead of cars by encouraging arrival on foot, the provision of over 140 sheltered bike spaces and good connections to public transport. Large roof lanterns maximise daylight and natural ventilation, supported by green roofs and photovoltaics providing renewable energy. The project has been designed to connect to the city’s Energy from Waste project in the future to offer low carbon energy for the campus.
The project, designed by MCW as part of a multi-disciplinary team led by Mace, was completed on time and to budget, opening to students in September 2022.
The project, designed by MCW as part of a multi-disciplinary team led by Mace, was completed on time and to budget, opening to students in September 2022.
Status: Built
Status: Built
Location: Peterborough
Location: Peterborough
Size: 5,300sqm
Size: 5,300sqm
Completed: 2022
Completed: 2022
Architect: MCW architects
Architect: MCW architects
Client: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, Peterborough City Council and Anglia Ruskin University
Client: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, Peterborough City Council and Anglia Ruskin University
Structural Engineer: Smith and Wallwork
Structural Engineer: Smith and Wallwork
Planning Consultant: Pegasus
Planning Consultant: Pegasus
Cost Consultant: Mace
Cost Consultant: Mace
Project Manager: Mace
Project Manager: Mace
Contractor: Bowmer and Kirkland
Contractor: Bowmer and Kirkland
MEP Consultants: Couch Perry Wilkes
MEP Consultants: Couch Perry Wilkes